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Analyzing Oxalate Levels in Hemp Seeds

May 28, 2024 · Hemp

Hemp seeds come from the hemp plant, also known as Cannabis sativa. Every part of the plant can be used for a variety of purposes, for example, the fibrous stalks are used in the textile, construction and paper-making industries, while the seeds are praised due to their nutritional profile. The by-products of the seeds such as oil are also utilized for health, beauty and well-being purposes. Hemp seeds contain a diversity of incredibly healthy compounds. However, some substances can cause worry to some people which is why in this article, we will be reviewing and answering the following question: ‘Are hemp seeds high in oxalates’?

Hemp seeds are considered a powerhouse product which is filled with proteins, healthy fats like omega-3 and omega-6 and essential nutrients like minerals and vitamins which are beneficial for humans. These seeds are becoming incredibly popular for being a valuable addition to a balanced diet, and are often used in preparations like smoothies, salads and baked goods, adding a mild earthy and nut-like flavor to these preparations. But what about this compound called oxalate? Is it bad for you?

Do hemp seeds have oxalates in them?

Oxalate is a natural compound which is found in many different plants and vegetables we consume every day. Our bodies process oxalate as they do many different plant substances, and it is generally considered harmless. Now, are hemp seeds high in oxalates? 

Hemp seeds, like other plants, do contain oxalate, however, hemp seeds contain fairly low levels of oxalates. Although for most people oxalates are harmless, individuals who have issues with their kidneys could develop kidney stones as this compound can exacerbate this condition. Nevertheless, this is an unlikely scenario and in general, the nutritional and health benefits of hemp seeds outweigh the risks associated with consuming plants that contain oxalates. 

Are oxalates good for my body?

As we explained, hemp seeds are not particularly high in oxalates, and this compound itself is not inherently good or bad for you. Most of us won’t have trouble when including plants that have oxalates within a balanced diet. If you are worried or have questions about oxalates and its impact on your health, you should always consult a health professional. Overall, oxalate-rich foods are a normal part of different healthy foods, and they only require moderation for certain individuals. 

How long does it take to get rid of oxalates?

In general, your body can process oxalates fairly quickly. For a healthy person, this compound is eliminated from your body in about 24 to 48 hours. The amount of time it takes to get rid of oxalates usually varies from person to person according to their overall health, dietary habits and kidney function. If you follow a particularly high oxalate diet or have kidney issues, this process could take longer. To help the process of eliminating oxalates, it is a good idea to drink plenty of water and follow a healthy calcium-rich diet, as it can help speed up the process. 

What plants have oxalates?

There is a variety of plants and vegetables we often consume that contain oxalates such as nuts, spinach, beets and some leafy greens. You might be asking yourself ‘Are hemp seeds high in oxalates?’ or ‘Are oxalates bad for me?’ The answer is no. Oxalates themselves are not bad. We hope this article has been useful and given you an overview that will help assure you that hemp seeds are generally a healthy choice to include into your diet. Generally speaking, you can rest assured that oxalates are a normal compound present in many plants.

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