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Do Hemp Seeds Have Omega-3? Benefits & Facts

January 22, 2024 · Health

In this article, you will learn all about hemp seeds, and more specifically: do hemp seeds have omega-3? Hemp seeds are seeds from the hemp plant, also known as Cannabis sativa, which are renowned for being a powerhouse packed with nutrients. They are an abundant source of essential vitamins like vitamin E and minerals like zinc and magnesium. These tasty little seeds are also packed with healthy fats, so we can confirm that hemp seeds are indeed a great source of omega-3.

Do hemp seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, and if so, how much?

You were wondering: do hemp seeds have omega-3? The answer is yes. Omega-3 is essential for our health as it aids in heart and brain function and helps reduce inflammation in the body. Hemp seeds provide a great amount of omega-3, approximately 1,000-2,500 mg per tablespoon. 

What is the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in hemp seeds?

If you are planning to introduce hemp seeds into your diet, you should not only know “do hemp seeds have omega-3 in them, but also what other healthy fats this powerfood can offer. In hemp seeds, you will find an ideal omega-6 to omega-3 ratio which is recommended for a balanced diet. 

Are the omega-3 fatty acids in hemp seeds the same as those found in fish oil?

Now that we have answered the question: do hemp seeds have omega-3? Let’s compare different types of fatty acids. While the omega-3 present in fish contains two different kinds of acids (named EPA and DHA), hemp seeds are primarily made of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Although these differ in structure, both are great options to maintain your brain function and heart health. If you have any questions about hemp seed intake, you should always consult with a medical professional.

Can hemp seeds be considered a good plant-based source of omega-3?

Hemp seeds are considered an excellent source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. As we mentioned before, alpha-linolenic acid, which is a type of omega-3 is absorbed and converted in your body into a more resourceful type of healthy fat. If you are vegan and wondering: do hemp seeds have omega-3? you already know the answer is positive!

How do the omega-3 levels in hemp seeds compare to other commonly consumed seeds and nuts?

There are many seeds and nuts that contain different levels of omega-3. For example, flax seeds have higher levels of omega-3, however, if you compare them to hemp seeds, you will learn that these can offer a well-balanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-3. You can also find omega-3 in walnuts and chia seeds, in lower amounts. Hemp seeds can offer a balanced and substantial level of omega-3 which is a valuable addition to increase a healthy fats intake. 

Are there any specific health benefits associated with consuming omega-3 from hemp seeds?

We have already answered: ‘Do hemp seeds have omega-3?’. Now let us learn about the health benefits of consuming hemp seeds which include, heart health and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease as well as helping keep balanced cholesterol levels. Omega-3 also plays a big role in brain function, development and cognitive health.

What are some creative ways to incorporate hemp seeds into my diet to ensure I get enough omega-3 fatty acids?

Now that you have your answer to your initial question: ‘Do hemp seeds have omega-3?’ it’s time to try out some creative ways to add hemp seed to your diet. Try sprinkling them on your yogurt, cereal or salads to add nutrients and texture. You can also blend them into your protein smoothie for a flavor boost! 

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