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What are the potential health benefits of CBD tea?

March 4, 2024 · Health

By now, you might have heard that CBD products such as oils can have a positive influence on your health, but did you know anything about CBD tea benefits? In this article, we will go over the advantages of consuming CBD tea and how it compares to other forms of CBD. But first, let’s review what CBD is.

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a natural substance found in the cannabis plant which has been linked with therapeutic properties. When you consume CBD, it interacts with the endocannabinoid system in your brain and body, which modulates neurotransmitters providing a variety of benefits contributing to overall well-being.

Anxiety and stress

Among the most common CBD tea benefits, you will find anxiety and stress relief. When you drink CBD tea, the properties are absorbed through the digestive system, which can help regulate different stress and mood responses. Additionally, the ritual of drinking tea itself can have calming effects paired with the CBD influence. However, you should know that responses may vary according to each individual.


Another one of the most well-known CBD tea benefits is related to this compound’s anti-inflammatory properties. CBD interacts with our endocannabinoid system, which influences brain receptors involved in inflammation regulation and immune response. The combination of tea with CBD can potentially provide sustained relief of body pain related to inflammation. If you want to try CBD tea but have questions about its efficacy it is best to contact your health care provider for a consultation. 

Are there any side effects associated with consuming CBD tea regularly?

Now we have reviewed some CBD tea benefits, but you might ask yourself are there any side effects associated with consuming CBD tea regularly? The answer might depend on the person, however, it is generally considered a safe type of tea. The most common side effects relate to symptoms such as fatigue, changes in appetite or digestive issues

If you are planning on starting to consume CBD regularly, you should know that CBD may interact with certain medications as it affects enzymes in the liver which are responsible for metabolizing different drugs, so CBD can inhibit or enhance the activity of those enzymes. As we mentioned, it is always best to consult with a medical professional before using CBD tea. 

How does CBD tea compare to other forms of CBD consumption, like oils or capsules?

CBD tea benefits stem from the unique consumption experience if you compare it to other products such as oils or capsules. CBD oil is absorbed sublingually rather than through your digestive system, and capsules can be convenient because you are ingesting pre-measured amounts of CBD. In contrast, drinking CBD tea has a slower release in your intestines which can provide a more sustained effect.

What is the recommended dosage of CBD in a cup of CBD tea for optimal benefits?

There is usually not a standard recommended dose for CBD in tea, as individual factors and responses can depend on your body weight, metabolism and the desired effect you are looking for. It is always a good idea to start with a low dose of around 10-15 milligrams and gradually increase if needed. 

Is CBD tea legal and readily available for purchase?

Now that you have learned all about the CBD tea benefits, you might want to try it. However, is CBD tea legal and available? The answer may vary as laws around CBD products vary by country and region and some places have stricter regulations around CBD tea. Make sure to check local laws before purchasing any CBD tea and always buy products from reputable retailers!

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