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7 benefits of hemp cream

May 30, 2023 · Cosmetics

You might see and read all about hemp products online and might be wondering what hemp cream is used for. Hemp comes from the hemp plant, or Cannabis sativa plant, which has high levels of cannabidiol, a substance with many health benefits. CBD is extracted from the plant and combined with other natural oils and plant extracts, it can be made into a topical cream-like solution. Hemp cream may be applied directly to the skin to treat a number of conditions and is becoming increasingly popular due to its natural properties and benefits. 

What does hemp cream do?

Hemp cream can help with several conditions in a more natural way, without any harsh chemicals or artificial compounds. This plant-based product is used mainly to manage conditions that cause pain and inflammation and can really improve people’s overall quality of life. Among the most common issues to treat are arthritis, inflammatory skin diseases, muscle soreness and stress and anxiety management. Let’s go over these in detail! 

How does hemp pain cream work?

Hemp pain cream works in the body when CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system. It acts on this complex system of neurotransmitters and neuroreceptors that regulate a variety of bodily functions such as pain, inflammation, mood and even immune response. When hemp cream is applied to our skin, it interacts with the receptors providing relief and reducing pain and inflammation in the affected areas. 

Pain Relief

Hemp cream is known to be an excellent choice for local pain relief, especially beneficial for those who suffer from chronic pain conditions like arthritis, joint pain or muscle soreness. This benefit comes from the CBD present in the plant which can reduce pain and discomfort. 


What is hemp cream used for? Most users will definitely agree in saying it is a great product to apply to your skin due to its moisturizing properties. Due to the fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 present in hemp, it can help to lock moisture in the skin, keeping it hydrated and reducing fine lines or wrinkles. 


Cannabidiol or CBD have been studied for years due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Using hemp cream topically can be used to treat a variety of inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and even acne. This product is bound to help you reduce redness, irritation and swelling in different parts of your body. 

Stress and anxiety relief 

Another well-known effect of hemp cream is stress and anxiety relief. CBD acts on the body’s endocannabinoid system which regulates emotions. Using hemp cream as a massage cream, along with other carrier oils, can help you decompress and relax more easily. 

Headache relief

If you suffer from bad headaches or migraines, hemp cream could also help you alleviate the symptoms by rubbing it on your forehead and neck. There are some promising studies that are also researching the impact CBD can have in reducing the frequency and severity of these symptoms.

Better sleep

Hemp cream could also potentially help to induce better sleep by reducing anxiety and helping the body get to a more relaxed state. In addition, CBD has been linked in recent research to improved sleep cycles, as it could potentially help people regulate sleep hormone levels. 

Muscle recovery

Due to the anti-inflammatory properties present in CBD, hemp cream can also help with muscle soreness product of physical activity, promoting a faster recovery time. If you were wondering what hemp cream is used for, we hope to have answered your questions. Make sure to try it for yourself to discover its many benefits. 

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